Members of the Ithaca Beard and Mustache Club (henceforth referred to as the “IBMC”) are encouraged, empowered and expected to:
- maintain incredible facial hair at all times;
- uphold and further the public image of the IBMC;
- greet other IBMC members and members of the IBMC Auxiliary (henceforth referred to as the “Sans Barbes”) with spirited high-fives;
- create a vibrant, accepting and real social network dedicated to philanthropy and the advancement of facial hair;
- attend monthly social business meetings of the IBMC;
- help plan, coordinate and run official IBMC functions;
- seek out charitable organizations with which the IBMC can partner to raise funds and awareness;
- stringently avoid spilling the blood of another member of the IBMC or the Sans Barbes;
Members of the Ithaca Beard and Mustache Club Auxiliary (henceforth referred to as the “Sans Barbes”) are encouraged, empowered and expected to:
- uphold and further the public image of the Ithaca Beard and Mustache Club (henceforth referred to as the “IBMC”);
- greet other Sans Barbes and members of the IBMC with spirited high-fives;
- create a vibrant, accepting and real social network dedicated to philanthropy and the advancement of facial hair;
- attend monthly social business meetings of the IBMC;
- help plan, coordinate and run official IBMC functions;
- seek out charitable organizations with which the IBMC can partner to raise funds and awareness;
- stringently avoid spilling the blood of another member of the Sans Barbes or the IBMC;
- maintain incredible facial hair at all times;
- uphold and further the public image of the IBMC;
- greet other IBMC members and members of the IBMC Auxiliary (henceforth referred to as the “Sans Barbes”) with spirited high-fives;
- create a vibrant, accepting and real social network dedicated to philanthropy and the advancement of facial hair;
- attend monthly social business meetings of the IBMC;
- help plan, coordinate and run official IBMC functions;
- seek out charitable organizations with which the IBMC can partner to raise funds and awareness;
- stringently avoid spilling the blood of another member of the IBMC or the Sans Barbes;
Members of the Ithaca Beard and Mustache Club Auxiliary (henceforth referred to as the “Sans Barbes”) are encouraged, empowered and expected to:
- uphold and further the public image of the Ithaca Beard and Mustache Club (henceforth referred to as the “IBMC”);
- greet other Sans Barbes and members of the IBMC with spirited high-fives;
- create a vibrant, accepting and real social network dedicated to philanthropy and the advancement of facial hair;
- attend monthly social business meetings of the IBMC;
- help plan, coordinate and run official IBMC functions;
- seek out charitable organizations with which the IBMC can partner to raise funds and awareness;
- stringently avoid spilling the blood of another member of the Sans Barbes or the IBMC;